Miracle Mile Records Signs Merit Parcel

Miracle Mile Records, a Redding California record label, decided to add Merit Parcel to there roster of growing talented artist Sunday Oct. 16th with the anticipation of Shawn Hill's debut alternative folk solo album - Merit Parcel "Missed the Band Wagon".
"It's going to be a good time, there are a lot of talented artist on this label and I'm excited they asked me to be a part of it." Shawn told us " I really enjoy the relationship and growing concern they have to help independent musicians like myself."
Official release of the album is set for Dec. 1st with pre-sales starting Nov. 16th. Available thru www.MeritParcel.com or any of your favorite online music stores. Be sure to grab your copy before the holidays.
Stay on track and up to date with all the Merit Parcel news, releases and merchindise at www.MeritParcel.com
To follow the Miracle Mile family, check out- www.miraclemilerecords.com
-4th Corner